Music Streaming Services Changed Music Industry Forever

Streaming services have revolutionized the music industry. Now that the barriers of entry are lower than ever, anyone can get their music out there and make a living by doing so. Unlike before, if you have your music player broken, it has to be brought first to the nearest appliance repair Langley to get it fixed and continue listening. Now, you don’t need to be a major label anymore to succeed in this new era of internet-based music distribution.

The Revolution of Streaming

Streaming services have revolutionized the music industry. With streaming, anyone can get their music out there and make a living by doing so. This has created many new possibilities for musicians.

Easier to Get Exposure

The barriers of entry are lower than ever thanks to streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, which provide an easy-to-use platform for musicians and listeners alike. This has made it much easier for musicians to release their work independently in a way that used to be impossible before.

Quality of Sound is Different

While great new albums, songs, and artists are coming out every day, some people don’t care about the quality of sound anymore because they’re looking for a specific sound or artist.

In order to stay relevant in this era of streaming services that offer endless content at a low price point, artists will need to focus on refined sounds regardless of genre or medium rather than trying to produce something different just for fun’s sake.

Independent Artists have a Chance to Succeed through Crowdfunding


In this day and age, a musician’s most valuable asset is their social media following. In the past, if you wanted to be successful you had to be signed by a major label that could afford expensive marketing campaigns and had the backing of a major record label. Now, if you’re an independent artist you can use your social media following to raise money for your project or tour on Kickstarter or Indiegogo, making it much easier for people who want to support indie artists to do so.
