Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD Foundation to Donate $500,000 to Families Facing Housing Crises

Singer, record producer, and actress Beyoncé, announced last Wednesday that she will be donating $500,000 to be distributed to families facing housing crises. Through her BeyGOOD Foundation, this American artist has been providing lots of big help during the pandemic, in partnership with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Previously, Beyonce’s help also came in the form of grants given to small black-owned businesses and in supplying people with necessities such as food, water, COVID testing, and mental health support throughout the country,

As it is, millions of families are still affected by the pandemic, encountering different problems aside from getting sick. Millions have lost their jobs as the country’s overall economic condition has been going downhill. Families do not have the means to solve rental evictions and mortgage foreclosure problems, as the $300 unemployment insurance check ended last December 26. The BeyGOOD Foundation will be giving $5,000 grants to 100 individuals experiencing evictions and foreclosures during the holidays.

About the Application Process

Individuals who are interested in applying for the grant are required to submit the needed documents to the NAACP, a civil rights organization in the country that ensures the rights of African Americans. The organization has been around since 1909 in response to the injustices and violence encountered by many Black people, and has over 2,200 branches and units in the country.

The online application for the grant will be available on January 27 next year and the financial help will be given later subsequently that month. Additionally, there will also be a second round in February, which Beyoncé and her foundation will fund for qualified families who didn’t get the grant this coming January.

The effect of music on people and health

The effects of music on people and health are scrutinized by various scientific disciplines. Medicine and psychology research the effects of music on the body, emotions and psyche. In turn, special sub-disciplines of psychology, such as psychoacoustics, psychophysiology and neuroscience, deal with the processing of stimuli from acoustic signals in the brain.

How does music work?

Music affects various areas of the body, mind and health.

Music influences brain processes and functions. For example, specific brain areas such as the “corpus callosum” are particularly pronounced in music lovers and musicians.  For musicians or music lovers who need help with statistical analysis of data, can help.

Your body and physical functions such as heart rate, breathing and body tension are influenced by music, as reported by a large number of studies. Unfortunately, this also applies to the influence of “unmusical” noise. This can lead to headaches, sleep problems, increased irritability and high blood pressure.

You also “resonate” emotionally with music. A recent study of 94 test persons showed that “favorite pieces of music” tend to stimulate joy and excitement, while classical music tends to promote calm and relaxation.

Music as obstetrics

Several studies examine the effects of music during pregnancy and childbirth. It was shown that music during pregnancy helps reduce anxiety and improves the ability to relax. In the delivery room, music can have a relaxing, pain-relieving and stress-reducing effect.

Music helps with illness

The effects of sounds and music are examined in particular in the context of music therapy. Clinical studies indicate positive effects in various diseases. The spectrum of medical examinations ranges from eye diseases, depression, dementia, cancer to tinnitus. However, it should be pointed out that studies in this area have so far only been examined using smaller case numbers and can only be generalized to a limited extent.

From healing songs to splashing water

Different types of acoustic stimuli also affect individuals differently. In the context of music therapy, for example, rhythmic sounds, classical pieces of music or relaxation music are used. Nevertheless, there is still countless research to be done regarding this. Little research has been done on the effects of healing chant.

Windows VPS: Establishing Online Presence With A Dedicated Website

For musicians and other artists, social media is frequently the leading tool used for them to create an online presence. While social media has its own set of advantages, a traditional website provides artists more advantages and perks as well as give bands and musicians an image that look more professional.

Web Hosting For Your Music Website

When it comes to website hosting, it is imperative that your website is hosted on a reliable web host service such as Windows VPS.  With a dependable web hosting service, you are sure to have less downtime which means your website will be available and accessible. Furthermore, your website will have fast loading and response times for your website visitors to have a smooth and great user experience. All of these definitely contributes to your web traffic as well as conversion rate. Apart from this, a good web hosting like Windows VPS also provides websites with data security to ensure all your website data are protected from potential hacking.

Establish Online Presence With A Dedicated Website

When you create a dedicated website, you are able to have complete control of it which means you can tailor and personalize your website according to how you want it to be. While social media does help musicians and other artists to build and establish their brands, you aren’t given total control. Hence, you cannot control the design elements such as layout as well as colors thus failing to reflect and communicate to your fans and potential supporters who you truly are as a music artist.

Another advantage of having your own website is that you have a single place to store all your music, images as well as information about your upcoming tours, gigs, shows as well as ticketing information. With social media sites, their terms of use or service are strict and they monitor contents posted on their media platforms. If they find you content inappropriate or that it violets the terms of use, the will take down your post or can even shutdown or delete your account. If this happens, you may lose all of the information and contents you have posted previously.

Bottom Line

Social media sites and having your own dedicated website can build and establish your online presence as this is imperative in today’s connected world. However, running your own website has more advantages compared to only depending on social media platforms to spread brand awareness.

Music for and with seniors

Every one can imagine something under music education, i.e. making music with the background of educating young people. Music geragogy, on the other hand, has become more and more popular in recent years but is still largely unknown not like the latest celebrity fashion trends.

Effects of music in general

Music has a very special influence on everyone. When you listen to music, feelings are triggered – sadness, happiness, joy, anger, motivation. Music is not just any sound to your ears, on the contrary: When you listen to music, your body and mind are noticeably influenced.

Canadian scientists have even found that your reward system in the brain is activated when you find music beautiful. When you listen to music you like, it has a similar effect on your brain as for example intoxicants or delicious food.

You certainly know the feeling of automatically becoming calmer with calm and balanced music, right? This is not just your feeling, something is actually happening in your body: the adrenal gland releases the hormone norepinephrine when you hear calm and gentle melodies. This hormone is responsible for the fact that stress hormones are reduced and your body automatically becomes calmer.

The opposite is the case with aggressive and fast music: Here the adrenal and pituitary glands release the stress hormone adrenaline.

Music in old age

It has long been known that music has a positive effect on people with dementia. Scientific studies have shown that active music-making noticeably promotes the networking of nerve cells. This counteracts the deterioration and loss of nerve cells so that one of the typical consequences of dementia is positively influenced.

Of course, making music is also wonderful for healthy older people. Singing together is fun for all seniors. In addition, the mind is refreshed through beautiful music, memories of long-forgotten days are awakened.

Make music with seniors

If you want to make music with older people, one thing is particularly important: The focus is on the fun and well-being of the elderly! It doesn’t matter how well or how badly they make music, and it doesn’t matter how long it takes the elderly to operate a musical instrument. When a person with dementia struggles to manage a small part of a melody, one must be able to truly enjoy them.
